My Story

Hi! My name is Rachel Brewster, and I am a professional keynote speaker and communication coach. Several years ago, I spearheaded a corporate website redesign project that required the coordination of two cross-functional teams: marketing and IT. That experience opened my eyes to how much marketing and IT teams struggled to understand each other. It’s like they speak completely different languages!

I now know firsthand what it’s like to lead digital program with cross-functional teams that are not on the same page. And that’s why I speak to marketing and IT teams.

My goal is to empower marketing and IT to communicate so that they can become one, high-performing team.

When I’m not speaking, you can find me at the cabin with my family or coaching Speech (aka: competitive public speaking!) at my local high school. I look forward to connecting and being part of your next event so that together, we can help your teams connect and communicate!

Watch Rachel in Action

Speak like a Leader

How to sell yourself and your ideas

Project Management Badass

How to find, recruit and retain a PM that your clients love!

Memory Palace

Remember with ease and make public speaking a breeze!


Recent Conferences and Events

LF Design Thinking

Leading Futures
International Conference

Graduation Ceremony

Give your audience an unforgettable experience!